consultancy simply
My name is Dr Agnes Botos. I have a Master’s Degree in Chemical Engineering and a 2-year post-graduate degree in Environmental Law. Currently I work as a REACH, GHS and BIOCIDE consultant in Hungary. Since I started my own business in 2008, I have supported about 100 Hungarian and foreign companies in understanding the EU chemical regulations and completing the REACH registration and CLP classification in a timely manner.
If you do not have enough time to read the extensive regulations and related guidelines, have difficulty answering some questions, would like to avoid any possible fines and penalties, and would like to save your company time and money, please contact me. Precision, trustworthiness and last but not least, taking responsibility for our work are top priorities for GHS Expert Ltd.
REACH consultancy
We will ensure your continous compliance with REACH regulation, so you can focus on your everyday job. Please be aware, that you can decrease significantly the cost of your REACH registration. The good REACH strategy support your company to stay on the market and increase your profit.
CLP consultancy
The classification of chemical substances and mixtures is not among the most simple tasks: reading the regulation of over 800 pages and the user guide of over 500, is a time consuming and complex task. We help you to simlify and made quicker this complicated and lenghty process of GHS classification and labeling without errors and without penalty.
BIOCID consultancy
As of 1 September 2015, a biocidal product shall not be made available on the market if the manufacturer or importer of the active substance(s) contained in the product, or where relevant, the importer of the biocidal product, is not included in the ECHA list. The good biocide strategy support your company to stay on the market and increase your profit.
Ms. Agnes Botos proved to be very helpful, diligent, thorough, punctual, knowledgeable, talented, resourceful, quick minded, circumspect, reliable expert consultant in her professional fields like REACH, CLP, ADR. With the present...
It is well worth doing the REACH registration with the help of a professional and fair REACH consultant. The cooperation with Agnes Botos provided our comany one of the most important...
I recommend to everybody to do the REACH registration with the help of a REACH expert, and not by themselves. Agnes Botos took this burden off my shoulder during REACH registration.
REACH registration is a multiple step process, and it requires both theoretical and practical knowledge, otherwise the success of REACH registration is in jeopardy. A good consultant can save a lot...
The CLP training held by Agnes Botos was extremely useful for me. I recommend it to everybody who wants to learn more about CLP.
Biocide active substance manufacturer’s task
What shall I do if I manufacture an active substance in the EU? The most important rule for you: As of 1 September 2015, a biocidal product shall not be made...
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